Balancing the Masculine & Feminine

To be truly in our power means we can access our Masculine or Feminine power in any given moment.  Just as we have the left and right brain we also all have both the masculine and feminine inside us. When we have this in balance we function well in our relationships, at work and in social settings.   In any given situation we may respond from our masculine or feminine self, however if we have a tendency to one or the other, we have less choice in our response to life!

The beauty of the masculine is that it offers great gifts of energy, clarity, drive, single minded focus and independence. These traits are fantastic when we have a specific purpose and want to deliver on specific outcomes, at a high standard, on time.

The beauty of the feminine is that if offers intuition, sensitivity, connection and the ability to sense the whole picture. These traits mean we are more likely to consider others, take a team approach and sense the mood of a group and subtly intervene to make it better for everyone.

When we can access both the masculine or the feminine side of ourselves easily, we feel centred and whole and more joyous in our personal power. Just to be clear – this is not power over others or manipulation of others.  That indicates a lack of personal power and not honouring the masculine or feminine.

We are shaped through our early experiences with our father / mother and other caregivers.  Through this we can learn to over rely on either the masculine or feminine, or dismiss and shut down that part of ourselves.  This occurs regardless of gender.  A simple example is either relying too much on being independent or on needing connection. Both are valid and yet if we over-use one style, we dismiss the value of the other.  Being able to intuit and sense what people need is a fantastic skill and yet being overwhelmed by sensing can sometimes mean we don’t know our own mind and find it difficult to make sound decisions. On the other hand if we are great at being logical, rational and identifying specific things we can miss the subtle information that comes through intuition.  Then we make decisions based on logic alone which means the outcome may be short sighted.

To be fully alive and potent as a man or woman we need to be comfortable with and access both our masculine and feminine in ourselves.  Maximising our ability to access these gifts of each is what kinesiology offers.

Can you recognise when the way you are operating isn’t working in your relationships / work / friendships?

When we can truly access our masculine power the rippling feeling of clarity, satisfaction of problem solving and making things happen is a joyful alive experience. Do you feel able to access and celebrate your masculine?

When we truly access feminine power we have great trust in our ability to sense the unseen and nurture others and ourselves intuitively. Are you able to support, acknowledge and enjoy the luxury of your feminine?

Malcolm Borgward has a unique ability to bring forward aspects of ourselves that have been ‘hidden’ and help us access more of our power.  A kinesiology balance unlocks your unique potential allowing you to experience greater personal power at work, in relationships and in life in general.

If you have any questions please contact Malcolm on 0409 129 499

Fear and Anxiety

Many people find that anxiety or fear can stop them from doing things they want to do in life. These feelings may not occur all the time or even be overwhelming; there may just be feelings of background anxiety. For example feeling panicked when something doesn’t go to plan, feeling anxious about a social situation or controlling situations so as to push away feelings of anxiety are pretty common. Because these feelings seem normal, people often don’t question them. For some people feelings of anxiety and panic can dominate their life and be quite debilitating. Kinesiology work can make a difference in reducing the impact of these feelings in someone’s life.

Neuroscience and trauma research suggests that specific early experiences of fear particularly if experienced when very young create limbic brain responses that set up specific neural pathways which will operate unconsciously in adult life.

Kinesiology aims to release the feelings locked in the system that relate to the time they were created. This gently frees up the system so people have freedom to choose how they react in any given situation. Another way of putting this is that the brain then begins to use different neural pathways in response to the same kind of trigger and this leads to different results.

Malcolm Borgward has developed a unique style of kinesiology that supports people to quickly access the core issues relating to the pattern of fear and anxiety and then release the emotion associated with it. This allows people to remain calm and decide how they want to respond to situations. This creates genuine space for freedom and joy in the place that was once occupied by fear or anxiety
Malcolm Borgward
T: 0409 129 499

Kinesiology and Children

Children are constantly learning and growing.  Each new challenge a child encounters and overcomes builds their character and sense of self.  Naturally sometimes life brings challenges that are overwhelming and we may think we don’t know how to deal with it.  When children have these experiences and don’t find a way forward they can then form a negative belief about themselves or the world which can impact on how they cope in the world.

Kinesiology can help children of any age and because children are open and still have wonder about the world they easily see new possibilities and make changes quickly. Balances often take much less time with children than they would with adults.

Kinesiology identifies the key issues in your child’s life and provides real solutions and healing for them.  In kinesiology sessions with children the parent stays in the room. The practitioner may ask you questions about you or your child’s development.  Kinesiology gives you and your child the opportunity to change the way you handle stress in your life and for you to both enjoy this very precious time of their childhood.

Malcolm has experience and success in assisting children with:

  • Bullying
  • Attention and processing disorders
  • Low self esteem
  • Anger management
  • Clumsiness
  • Behaviour problems
  • Physical health issues such as colour blindness, asthma

Children who have experienced high stress levels may have trouble focusing, learning and achieving their developmental milestones.  Kinesiology gives you and your child a very effective way of transitioning each of these hurdles in life.

Malcolm can also teach you and your child simple activities to improve brain integration, co-ordination, help relieve emotional distress and activities that calm.

Children are not naughty or bad, they are just behaving in a way to get us to take notice and help them grow, change, develop and mature. Our job as parents is not to protect them from pain, but to walk beside them, supporting them to find ways of navigating lifes challenges.

While children may not really understand the process of kinesiology, they do know how they feel. They often report feeling more relaxed and happy.

Benefits of kinesiology for children:

  • Better able to deal with anger and frustration
  • Happier and calmer
  • More focused and better able to concentrate
  • Fewer and reduced reactions to foods and other allergens
  • Better quality sleep
  • Improved co-ordination and spatial awareness
  • Better balance
  • Improved results across sporting, academic and artistic areas

Malcolm Borgward

T: 0409 129 499