Applied Kinesiology is an alternative therapy that uses a range of modalities to heal and issue.  Kinesiology can help with people who experience:

  • Feelings of anxiety or depression
  • Learning and information processing difficulties
  • Relationship challenges
  • Self acceptance and confidence
  • Chronic physical conditions
  • Compulsive behaviours including smoking, drinking and over-eating
  • Childhood trauma or past hurtful experiences that impact on day to day life
  • Success in career & business

Kinesiology is a method that allows an old stuck pattern to be released. The stuck pattern is a limbic brain survival program developed from a past experience of overwhelm, hurt or trauma. When the original hurt or trauma from the limbic brain is cleared, the patient has the freedom of choice.

Kinesiology has a range of specific methods that allows the practitioner to locate the original incident and clear the original feelings of that event safely, gently and compassionately. This allows the conscious mind to have new possibilities, not available when the overwhelm or trauma occurred. Kinesiology provides a system to remove triggers of past traumas to rejuvenate and reinstate an enthusiasm for life, moving from surviving to thriving.

Kinesiology uses muscle testing to check the energetic flow or chi as referred to in traditional Chinese medicine.  Muscle testing is a way of asking the body questions that it can answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to.  The practitioner places a very light pressure on the arm to see if it ‘holds’ or ‘releases’. The hold or release of the muscle is the body giving a yes or no response. Any question can be asked through this method pertaining to that person. This method allows the Kinesiologist to ask the body a series of questions about what the issue is and what it needs to be healed. Because it by-passes conscious thought it gives access information and programmes running below our conscious awareness

This can method can give information about; underlying beliefs, organ functioning, hormonal functioning, nutritional deficiencies and food sensitivities among other things. It can also be used to test what is required to assist the body’s natural healing process.  The range of choice include a vitamin or supplement, information, essential oil, music or variety of other remedies.  It can also be used to test the body’s responses to foods (for allergies), thoughts, sounds, colours, and emotions.

Malcolm has experience in getting success across a range of health issues including: stress, muscular disorders, nervous disorders, emotional challenges and learning and behavioural difficulties.

With his many years of experience, Malcolm has found ways to improve on the standard technique in order to fast track the ability to get to the root cause.  He has developed a unique style of kinesiology that can create deep change to powerful effect.

Contact Malcolm on 0409 129 499 or email for more information or to book an appointment.


Recommended Reading

The Healing Code – Dr Alexander Lloyd

The Emotion Code – Dr Bradley Nelson

Molecules of Emotion; the Science behind mind-body medicine – Candice B. Pert

The Art of Self Muscle Testing – Michael Hetherington

The Brain that Changes Itself – Dr Norman Doidge MD

Visual Textbook of Nutritional Medicine – Dr Igor Tabrizian


Adequate research on Applied Kinesiology is quite limited due to the difficulty in measuring as the technique is so intertwined with the practitioners ability to be neutral and observe the muscle test accurately.

Despite this challenge, there are several studies that suggest muscle monitoring does show greater muscle strength when a person makes a statement they experience as true.

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